The Awakening of YOU! Om Namah Shivaya
0Om Namah Shivaya!
This sanskrit mantra means, I bow to the indwelling Lord.
I recognize and honor the Divine within me.
God Dwells within you, as you, for you. Swami Muktananda
WE are living in a time when this is available to all. Not just in theory but in real, now, physical time. The knowledge of Self permeates all, everything is GOD. My work with Awaken Now with Peter Rivard is to guide you to the Awareness of who you really are. It is time to claim your divinity. In order to live as this knowledge there is some unlearning, deprograming, and a lot of loving the parts of you that have been denied this truth. A new platform of living as love will be established. We start where you are now. What is going on, how you feel, how your body feels, how your relationships feel, how much you can truly relax. We will bring loving awareness to the unconscious which will transform everything to LIGHT.
YOU are LOVE personified.
Love, Peter
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